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  • Writer's picturekimabarquezdawis

FREEDOM IN OUTSOURCING (Why Hire Online Freelancers)

Updated: Nov 25, 2019

The word “outsource” from Merriam-Webster Dictionary means: to procure (something, such as some goods or services needed by a business or organization) from outside sources and especially from foreign or nonunion suppliers. It can also mean, reaching out to freelance professionals or groups of professionals to help you do the job remotely. Now, what would that mean for a growing business?


You may say, “That’s risky! I can’t delegate a job to someone else. He/She could mess it up!” or “Why take the risk of having someone else do it when I, myself, can do it?”. You may be a do-it-yourselfer, or you just don’t trust others to be part of your business. Well, you have your reasons. But that is just being old-school!

We are now living in the Information Age where anyone can do the job you want to be done with the right tools and instructions. We are now in the time of working smarter than working harder. There are a lot of professional freelancers such as virtual assistants, social media managers, SEO experts, web designers, etc waiting to do those things for you. Here are some of the websites where you can find freelancers according to Laura Handrick from :

Let me also include , where a lot of Filipino freelancers look for jobs. Easy enough right? Still not convinced as to how this could help your business? Read on.


Working harder and doing things on your own does not necessarily contribute to the growth of your business. On the other hand, it could even be detrimental for your well-being and health, and even to your business. To outsource work is to delegate the job to a professional who is trained to do that certain task. This gives you, as a business owner, the certainty of a job well done.

One satisfied boss from a job well done.
Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

There are a lot of things you can outsource these days. These include, but not limited to social media marketing, email marketing, web design, data entry, research, transcription, customer care services, posting blogs, handling emails and calls, managing your schedule, bookkeeping and accounting, and other things that you think are taking up a lot of your time. And when you start outsourcing, you finally get to work on the more important stuff.

Outsourcing responsibilities to an outside entity would mean more productivity for your business. More productivity leads to faster growth of your business. Working smarter by outsourcing tasks helps you to run your business more efficiently and effectively.


You have taken good care of your business since day one, but sometimes reaching out and hiring someone else to do the job is the smart thing to do to grow your business. We all wanna run a good business and still have some personal time. So, remember good business owners always work smarter not harder.

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